Student portraits

“I study French in Lyon to get my DELF B2 diploma”

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After her French lessons in Lyon, Katherin plans to enroll in a Bachelor degree in France. 

At 12 years old, this Colombian girl gets a scholarship to study French for a few months. This first experience makes her want to go further and, a few years later, she decides to enroll at the Alliance Française de Medellin (Colombia). Very motivated, she attends her French classes in parallel to her classes in high school. Her plan to study in France is born. Barely graduated, Katherin jumps on a plane to Lyon with a very specific objective in mind: “I took General French + writing (10 months) in Lyon to get my DELF B2 diploma and then be able to study biology at the University of Strasbourg”.

She explains that she has chosen Lyon because it is a human-sized city “Paris is like Bogota; Lyon is like Medellin!”, and the University of Strasbourg for the quality of teaching in biology.

After 10 months in Lyon, Katherin particularly appreciates the quality of life: “I love to walk on the banks of the Rhône and the Saône, the water is so clear and there are swans and ducks in the middle of the city!“, she tells us with enthusiasm before adding: “the public transport system is very well organized and you can easily visit the city on foot or by bike.

What about French? “It comes easy when you study here, you have plenty of opportunities to speak, and the French, despite the clichés, are very welcoming, they are ready to help me all the time!” She is showing so much enthusiasm, that we really want to help this young girl. Bravo Katherin!

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