5 winter cheese recipes
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Spending winter in France is ideal to discover (very) cheezy recipes ! Enjoy 😊

4. Cheese soufflé
For cuisine lovers, the cheese soufflé is a sophisticated and delicated meal. Easy to cook, you will turn into a Michelin-starred chef!
The soufflé au fromage is the most delicate cheese platter. It will probably impress your guests, served with salad as a side
5. The roasted camembert
International French cheese star, you can also eat camembert the oven-cooked way. Taste it, it is so delicious! With honey or cherry jam, the roasted camembert is perfect for a friendly apertif and is very easy to cook.
Nostalgic of your French experience ? This roasted camembert recipe can be cooked worldwide and will bring you the best memories !
Important, we advise you to open your windows after cooking…
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