Alliance Française: a new cultural lease of life in Lyon

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In 2025, the Alliance Française de Lyon will be offering a contemporary, original and diversified cultural programme at the crossroads of different worlds.

Open to a broad, intergenerational and multicultural public, the Alliance Française de Lyon is establishing solid partnerships and returning to the Lyon scene to bring its share of culture to the city.

From January 2025, the Alliance Française de Lyon will be rolling out its new programme. Structured around two major themes, it offers a multi-disciplinary cultural season open to the general public, as well as an educational and cultural mediation programme for the 1,200 annual students of the Alliance Française de Lyon.

We invite you to join this vibrant dynamic of discovery and exchange!

An inclusive cultural season

It’s made up of events designed for a broad public, open to the world and curious to discover the wealth of current cultural expressions.

Here are a few highlights not to be missed:

Vox Populi Festival (March and April 2025): organised with the EUNIC Lyon group and the Groupe Régional d’Actions Cinématographiques, this festival showcases committed European cinema.

Passeurs d’Europe (4-5 March 2025): an open stage for the diversity of languages and cultures.

Opening/closing of the Magnifique Printemps and Bal poétique (March 2025): A mix of poetry readings and electronic music for three unforgettable evenings of festivities.

Theatre: Italy takes centre stage (spring/summer 2025)

Artistic interventions: artists such as graffiti artist and muralist Marko93 will enrich the cultural experience (autumn 2025)

Pedagogical and cultural mediation: an essential dimension of language learning

This section is intended exclusively for students and the teaching team of the Alliance Française de Lyon. It enriches the learning of French by putting world languages in perspective, in an immersive and playful way. In collaboration with La Caravane des dix mots, the Alliance Française de Lyon proposes:

Two monthly language workshops: organized by level, these sessions explore the language in many different ways.

An artistic workshop held twice a year: an original approach that reinforces language learning through creation.

Why get involved?

The programme has a number of objectives:

– Diversify the cultural offer in relation to language

– Enrich the experience of learners

– Provide the teaching team with an enhanced mediation tool

– Strengthen the presence of the Alliance Française de Lyon in Lyon’s cultural landscape and within the worldwide network of Alliances Françaises (836 Alliances Françaises worldwide).

By taking part in this programme, you are helping to make the Alliance Française de Lyon a meeting place where languages and cultures interact and mutually enrich each other.

So, whether you’re a learner, a teacher or simply a lover of culture, join us to explore, create and share together.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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