AFLyon activities
Excursion in the French Alps
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You want to go to the mountain but you have no car?
SKIMANIA is organizing a day out from Lyon on Saturday March 26, 2022, in the resort LES SAISIES, a beautiful mountain village surrounded by trees.
There are many routes on foot, on snowshoes or on Nordic skis around the resort, the shops are also open.

Les Saisies
Pratical informations:
Departure time and place :
RDV 6:30 am, departure 6:45 am at Bellecour
Return around 7:00 pm.

How to register ?
17 quai Jean Moulin (métro Cordeliers, 15 minutes by foot from Alliance)
Opening hours : from Tuesday to Friday, from 2pm to 6pm
Phone: 04 72 72 59 59
Reservations by mail, in the agency or on the website
Reservations dead-line : Deadline for registration: Wednesday 23 March 2022!
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