All about French

Speak French everyday

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Speak French easily
when learning French in France!

A few tips to keep on learning after your French lessons at Alliance Française while having fun!


Participate in our activities to keep on learning French after your courses

Participate in Alliance Française’s cultural activities

Our activities are designed to encourage you to speak with our team of teachers, volunteers or other students.


Every week, Iwona invites you to reading, dictation & biblio-games activities. During these moments, you will be in small groups, with other AFLyon students who are as motivated as you are !

Film club

3 times a month, discover how rich French cinema is, with Natalia and Frederic (French teachers) in charge of the film club. This is a great way to improve your vocabulary, learn about French accents 🙂 and of course, to share views after watching the movie…

Speak French with French native speakers learn french and discover french gastronomy in lyon

Explore the city with a Lyon City Greeter

After your French courses, we recommend you to explore the city with locals. With Lyon City Greeters’ volunteers, you can chose the day, time and  place.s you want to visit : a great experience that you can share with your friends from AFLyon (max. 6 people)!

Go to language exchange events

To meet and speak with French people interested in your culture and language, go to Blabla Language Exchange (several dates, don’t forget to register or KOTOPO (an incredible cross-cultural area) or Lyon’s public librairies (they organise monthly events).

Speak French when shopping at a local market

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